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Neqxt Level

6 weeks discovery pragram.

Discover your life mission to make the right study choice for a lifetime of fulfillment.


Making a study choice can be a big decision, and there are several factors to consider before making a decision. NEQXT is here to guide young ambitious people in making informed decisions and choosing a field of study that will help them achieve their goals and set them on the path to a successful career.


Your NEQXT Level

Intake; getting to know each other

Your Blueprint; Life Purpose

Blue Print Reading

  • Focus on Self Awareness; - Who am I?, What do I want?, What are my threats?

  • Focus on your talents

  • What are my strengths?

  • What is my drive?

  • Capacity Analysis

  • Understand & Accept I am Unique

Focus on education match top 3

Explore & Discover; Schedule and planning for ACTION!

  • Visiting Open Days

  • A planning for Academic/ College Tasterdays

Final recap and evaluation; Study Choice & Application



After the 6-week program, you have gained clarity and direction about your future which inspires you to make informed decisions. You will also experience improved academic performance because you are more likely to choose a study that aligns with your interests and strengths.


Overall, after working with NEQXT you are on the path to a successful career that aligns with your life mission and personal goals.


Practical information

  • Duration: 6 weeks

  • Online or face to face

  • 1 on 1 (private)

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